Survival Tools articles

stone adze

(VIDEO) Watch the Mind Blowing Construction and Use of a Stone Adze

(VIDEO) Watch the Mind Blowing Construction and Use of a Stone Adze

Before modern metal tools and amazing inventions which have made living like cavemen obsolete, our ancestors utilized literally every resource at their disposal to just live from one day to the next. This often meant crafting tools from scratch using stones and sticks gathered from the forest around them and taking hours, and sometimes days,

tactical signs

Tactical Hand Signals You Need to Know for Survival

When you least expect it, a collapse can take place, and suddenly you’re in a life or death situation. You’re unable to communication with your family and team members and are not sure what to do. So what steps do you take next and can you communicate successfully without being discovered? This could happen in

zippos lighter

Everything You Need to Know About Zippos and Lighter Fuel

Zippos have been around since before WWII, and these iconic lighters have survived to this day despite the constant competition from cheap disposable lighters available at gas station checkouts. Perhaps it is due to Hollywood marketing that always has Zippo lighters in action movies in which the hero casually pulls his trusty Zippo from his
