(Video) Turn a Trailer Into an Incredible Stealth Shelter Like One Man Did and Be Ready for it All

bug out vehicle trailer

We all know how useful a trailer is. It can hold a lot of belongings, if not all that we own. A trailer is a smart investment for anyone, especially survivalists. Better yet — it can be transformed into an incredible stealth shelter.

In fact, one man thought of transforming his trailer into a bug out “vehicle” and wait until you see how it looks. He actually purchased the trailer with the intent to make it into something he could live in during a collapse, and he continued to perfect it.

How it turned out is amazing. This stealth shelter comes complete with a sink, microwave, and even a TV. Yes, if an EMP takes place he likely won't need a TV, but for now, that's pretty cool.

So how did he come up with the inspiration for a bug out trailer? He watched a bunch of YouTube videos! From there he developed a design, which is a great reminder that if we put our mind to it, we too can improvise and learn how to make shelters as well.

In the future, this prepper would like to continue to improve his stealth shelter. After all, it is a one of a kind design. From its external appearance, you would never guess that there is a bug out shelter equipped with supplies inside!

After the break find out if you have what it takes to make a trailer into an ultimate off-grid home. Wouldn't it be nice to travel the world AND have a bug out trailer to call your own? Yes, please!

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