Survival Mentality articles

backpack on hill surrounded by mountains

Items That Are Never Found in Bug Out Kits (But They Should Be)

Items That Are Never Found in Bug Out Kits (But They Should Be)

We all have different temperaments and individual likes and dislikes. When it comes to bugging out we have studied various scenarios and think we know what we should have with us and what we can leave at home. The same can be said for bugging-in. We have what we have and are stocking up on

man walking on emptry street

7 Tips to Get Home Safely Following an EMP

The recent solar eclipse, despite all the hype, had at least one significant characteristic that applies to preparing for a survival scenario: It should have impressed upon everyone that certain events, benign or otherwise, are beyond our control and can happen at any moment. We had ample warnings about the coming eclipse and that let
