Survival Skills articles

tying a knot

(VIDEO) 3 Knots You Should Learn NOW. Why? These Knots Could Save Your Life During a SHTF Moment.

(VIDEO) 3 Knots You Should Learn NOW. Why? These Knots Could Save Your Life During a SHTF Moment.

Knots. They can be the bane of your existence when you don’t know how to go about untying them. But knowing how to tie them is an incredibly useful skill to have! Whether you’re setting up a shelter, making a fishing line, building a weapon, setting up a trap that includes a net – knowing

dangerous snakes

Could You Identify These Venomous and Deadly Snakes?

Think you can’t get bitten by a dangerous snake? Think again. When I was a young teen, my dad got bit by a rattlesnake in our backyard. What my dad thought was a bull snake ended up being a baby rattlesnake that was hard to identify. It’s true that identifying venomous snakes (especially babies) are

tactical signs

Tactical Hand Signals Every Survivalist Needs to Know

Imagine if you’re in a life or death situation, and you’re unable to communicate. How would you communicate to one of your team members without being discovered? That’s why hand signals are an invaluable tool that can be used in any environment when you cannot communicate as you normally would. NFL quarterbacks use hand signals

cutting into a pine tree

4 Eye-Opening Ways a Pine Tree Can Keep You Alive

It never ceases to amaze me just how survival uses you can glean from a single tree. Specifically, a pine tree can keep you alive for days in the wilderness. When the collapse happens, and you find yourself without food or shelter, a pine tree is your ticket to survival. Within a single pine tree,
