The Many Uses of Soap Plants Will Astound You! Here’s How to Find and Use Them.

washing hands

When most people think of traditional soap as it is used by preppers and homesteaders, they typically think of lye and tallow soap being made by the brick in large vats in the back yard.

This is certainly an old recipe that still holds its weight today, but few people know that before this there were some other ways people fulfilled their needs for lathering up.

Among these ways are some very useful plants, also known as soap plants. Used primarily by the Native Americans before the European population arrived, their use was taught to the settlers who were curious as to how the natives stayed so clean when they clearly didn't use the soap that the settlers were familiar with.

These soap plants are still used today by many homesteaders and specialists in ancient skills. You can make use of these common plants for yourself if you know where to look.

Take a look at the helpful information on the next page to learn how to use these plants to your advantage.

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