(VIDEO) This Bushcraft Camp is Incredible. When You See How They Made it? You’ll Be Impressed!

bushcraft camp

Establishing traditional basic skills places an enormous advantage on anyone who spends any amount of time in the wilderness. There are a million ways to use lashing skills, woodworking, and knife and ax techniques on everyday excursions into the woods.

Throw in an actual survival situation, and you'll find that having learned these techniques will keep you off Mother Nature's hit list for much longer than if you had zero survival knowledge to begin with.

A group of bush crafters decided the best way to practice their skills was to put them into use on a wilderness bushcraft camp which will be the envy of any outdoorsmen. With strong wooden walls to keep out the wind and many intruders, they also have managed to build working tables into the walls.

Check out how they did it in the video on the next page.

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  1. Matthew Patterson said:

    Shawn Blankenship, what bushcraft book did you tell me to get? Do you have any good ones at the store you’d recommend?

  2. Shawn Blankenship said:

    I recommend Ernest Thompson Seton’s THE BOOK OF WOODCRAFT.
    It’s a masterpiece and my personal favorite. Then I’d recommend Horace Kephart’s Camping and Woodcraft, also a masterpiece and written by a brilliant southern gentleman.
    If you want to go modern, I’ve got a signed copy of Dave Canterbury’s book that he sent me and it’s outstanding as well.
    I unfortunately haven’t had a chance to add a book section in the store yet, however.
    Keep an eye out for our upcoming survival class.

  3. Kenny Dean said:

    Don Lucero, Tia Schroeder Jennifer Adams. This is a serious winter / year round camp

  4. Josh Lanham said:

    Dave canterbury’s bushcfaft 101 is a great starter book
    Well worth the read

  5. David J. Parker said:

    I’d like to see an updated video when he gets his lean to complete ! Very nice, I never thought to build walls like that .

  6. Allen Karen said:

    Am David , 55 ,widow.Ultimately I am in search of a deep heart connection (you know, the kind where you look into someone’s eyes and…)I have been told that I make a very good friend .Eye contact is something I cherish. Whoever said that the eyes are a window to the soul was absolutely right. I have a unique intuition about people, and when I follow my gut instinct, I am usually right. I have been described as masculine with an edge… but my hands are always soft and warm, as is my heart and smile, I will love to meet any single woman that she is between the age of 55 to 70 , Feel free to send me a request on face book David Scott Lamh

  7. Jeff Davis said:

    By the time you build all your walls, you might as well put a roof on it and call it a cabin!

  8. Roger Miller said:

    sas survivl manual and jhon and jery mcpherson have a couple books out that are good

  9. Ma Teague said:

    Dave Canterbury has 2 bush craft books out very informative, easy read.

  10. Clayton Levi Bennett Jr. said:

    It is still out in the open and people could find it. I would have found an area deep inside of bushes well hidden.

  11. David Young said:

    Except for being under the trees. Widowmaker branches may ruin his adventure.

  12. Taylor Sinnard said:

    Great small defensive camp. Well set up for buildup. If you wanted a stronger defense, you could have longer,burried,vertical spiked poles with walking platforms to look over top. But,that said,this is still well defensive from prey animal or to slow a single intruder. I do like the frontier setup as a production enclosed camp.

  13. Brice Myers said:

    Dallas Parker this is what I was talking about this is what we need to build and already got a good head start with our new fort

  14. Jim Harston said:

    Looks like a lot of work for a wind break. Unless your scared of bunny rabbits I can’t think of a single wild animal that couldn’t easily get over that wall.

  15. Stewart Owenby said:

    Not bad but the new shelter he says he is working on next will be facing the predominant wind direction. All that work then face it into the wind.

  16. Duncan Taylor said:

    Been trying to find his YouTube page but have been able to yet, would like to give the kid credit,he worker on this for days doing it a little at a time on one of his friends properties,I’ll keep looking for it a post when I find it

  17. Danny Tingey said:

    Good luck trying this on BLM, national Forest land or private land. Jail, fines, getting shot all possible. The government and private businesses don’t look kindly to cutting down trees on their land.

  18. Nick Hachey said:

    That’s what I wàs thinking. Everywhere you go is private property of some sort


