Survival Food articles

solar oven pizza box

(VIDEO) When I Figured Out What Simple Item He Used to Create a Solar Oven, My Mind Was Blown

(VIDEO) When I Figured Out What Simple Item He Used to Create a Solar Oven, My Mind Was Blown

Being able to cook without the use of a stove or grill is a hard trick to master, but is worthwhile when you consider the myriad of circumstances in which you can find yourself without access to even a camp stove. In most of these conditions, your first instinct may be to light a fire.

Catch Fish With Pine Needle Lures

Crazy as it sounds… you can catch fish with Pine needles.  The below video proves it!  It’s one of these seven survival uses of Pine Trees. Check out the list & the video below: Survive With No Food By Eating A Pine Tree Medicinal Pine Needle Tea Pine Needle Mulch For Growing Food Survival Food

dried pork meat pemmican

A Pemmican Recipe That’s Very Tasty and Easy to Make

Pemmican Is Very Nutritious And Extremely Tasty – Check Out This Easy To Make Recipe And Take Pemmican With You Whenever It’s Time To Bug Out. Native Americans used Pemmican as a form of “super-food” that provided protein, fiber, fat, carbohydrates, natural fruit sugars, vitamins, and minerals. It was easy to make, store and lasted

salting pork

How to Prepare Salt Pork for a Survival Situation

Salt pork is one of those foods you learned about back in history class. Soldiers from both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars were always heard to be chewing on a piece of cooked, salt-pork. And stories taking place during any of those eras had families running to the “ice house” to pull out a slab

canning baby potatoes

DIY Food Storage: Learn How to Properly Can Potatoes

You might have already been canning for years, and also have a way to cook and store your fruits and vegetables, but it’s always nice when a how-to video comes along, showing why someone chooses to cook in a particular way. On today’s video, the cook’s fresh picked veggies are potatoes, and they look tasty

preserving bacon

How to Preserve Bacon by Pressure Canning it

Storing meat for a survival situation, especially a long-term one, can be problematic. You can freeze it, dry it, cure it or can it – although canning meat is not something that pops into the minds of most. One meat almost no one thinks of canning is bacon. While the true bacon aficionado might find
