Make Homemade Survival Bars That You Can Take on the Road with You!

survival bars

One problem with preparing and storing food for survival situations is that most foods do not have a long enough shelf life to reliably store and forget about for a substantial length of time. Sure, you can store rice, canned foods, and flours, but sometimes its nice to have something sweet to look forward to.

This goes equally for camping foods. Sometimes when backpacking through the wilderness, you want to treat yourself to something other than the obligatory trail mix or the bricks of sawdust they market (at a hefty price tag) as energy bars.

For a fraction of the price, you can make your own energy-rich trail survival bars. The bars, made from ingredients that individually can last almost indefinitely, have a ridiculously long shelf life and can be stored away for years until you need them while still being full of necessary calories and a sweet sugar boost.

So how do you make these homemade survival bars? Read on to the next page to find the recipe.

Via Food and Storage Survival

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