How to Preserve Bacon by Pressure Canning it

preserving bacon

Storing meat for a survival situation, especially a long-term one, can be problematic.

You can freeze it, dry it, cure it or can it – although canning meat is not something that pops into the minds of most.

One meat almost no one thinks of canning is bacon.

While the true bacon aficionado might find that an appalling thought, even approaching sacrilege, having an emergency store of canned bacon, whether to eat outright or to use to season other dishes in a survival situation would be a morale booster for sure!

Luckily, canning bacon is not as hard as it might seem at first (and if done correctly, it works)! If you follow these steps, you'll find that canning bacon does not take that much effort and can be very useful when SHTF.

To learn how to can bacon, please check out the article on the next page.

Via Authorized Boots

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  1. Jon Taylor said:

    And when the apocalypse hits I will be king with all my canned bacon!


