Dog Lover Preppers Beware: This is What Your Dog Should NEVER Eat During a Collapse

feeding a dog

Your Dog May Be Your Most Valuable Ally… During SHTF Keep Him Safe By Providing Him With The Right Foods And Not Things That Can Harm Him!

Humans may have been domesticating dogs for as long as 40,000 years, and this amazing symbiotic relationship is largely the cause of our success up to this point. Dogs can be used for protection, hunting and companionship. They can detect drugs, cancer, and can guide the blind.

Needless to say, one of the most valuable tools in your post SHTF arsenal may be your beloved canine. He sees you as a member of his pack, and he will fight to the death for you. The least you can do is provide your beloved dog with the best food you possibly can.

Hopefully, when packing your survival coffers, you plan ahead and pack plenty of dog food to keep this furry machine going while you're both waiting for the dust to settle. But eventually, just like yours, this food will run out. You now have yet another hungry mouth to feed, and you're not entirely sure what you can feed your dog safely.

To learn how to feed your beloved canine in a post-SHTF situation, check out the next page.

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  1. Jordan Haehl said:

    Just feed your dog rich people and politicians. Prolly get a little gassy but they’ll be fine with some ruffage


