Dog Lover Preppers Beware: This is What Your Dog Should NEVER Eat During a Collapse

feeding a dog

Just like with humans, there is a lot of debate over what the best things to feed dogs might be. Also like in humans, the consensus seems to be that while there are a lot of foods that are healthy and safe to eat, you can always overdo it.

Avoid mistakes in a survival situation and only feed your dog things you know are healthy, and what's healthy for you may not be healthy for your dog.

Foods your dog shouldn’t eat:
Chocolate contains caffeine and a chemical called theobromine, both of which can make your dog sick. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is.
Macadamia nuts can induce weakness, immobility, vomiting, and hypothermia in your dog.
Just like humans who are lactose intolerant, many dogs don’t have the digestive enzymes to break down lactose.
The pits and cores of peaches, plums, and persimmons can cause digestive obstructions and they should avoid eating most fruits. Dogs already produce their own vitamin C, and too much can make any mammal sick.
Grapes and Raisins can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and eventually kidney failure.
Dogs have trouble eating animal fats. Regular consumption of bacon or any meat trim can lead to pancreatitis.
Every part of the Avocado has a chemical called persin, which can cause breathing problems and nausea.
Onions and Garlic will destroy the red blood cells in your dog, leading to anemia.
Raw yeast dough can ferment in your dog’s stomach, producing alcohol and can produce enough gas to rupture your dog’s digestive tract.
The sodium content of most snack foods is simply too concentrated for their bodies to handle.

Foods your dog can eat:
Peanut Butter
Pasta, Rice, Bread, and Oatmeal
Chicken, Salmon, and any lean meat in general
Most vegetables, with the exception of anything mentioned in the previous list, as well as raw or green potatoes
Some cheeses that have very low levels of lactose
Eggs, but not on a regular basis

As you can see, there is a lot of crossover between the diets of humans and dogs. After all, we’re both mammals. But it seems like there are also countless human foods that can easily hurt or kill your dog. The lists above certainly aren’t conclusive either.

Keeping in mind what dogs likely ate when they were first domesticated can be a good indicator of what is safe for them to eat on a regular basis today. Generally, it is simple foods that are not overly processed, focusing on lean meats and vegetables, much like the ideal diet for humans. Knowing this, you can continue to provide for your entire family, furry members included, in a post-SHTF situation.

To learn more about the dietary needs of dogs and how some foods can be harmful, check out Ready Nutrition.


  1. Jordan Haehl said:

    Just feed your dog rich people and politicians. Prolly get a little gassy but they’ll be fine with some ruffage


