A Pemmican Recipe That’s Very Tasty and Easy to Make

dried pork meat pemmican

Pemmican Is Very Nutritious And Extremely Tasty – Check Out This Easy To Make Recipe And Take Pemmican With You Whenever It's Time To Bug Out.

Native Americans used Pemmican as a form of “super-food” that provided protein, fiber, fat, carbohydrates, natural fruit sugars, vitamins, and minerals.

It was easy to make, store and lasted an incredibly long time.

Pemmican often served as an easy to carry source of food that helped nourish nomadic tribes, hunting parties and even throughout a long, cold and snowy winter.

As with Native Americans, today, Pemmican can serve as a vital survival food today, whether it is a regular source of food in a survival situation or is kept as an emergency stock in a bug-out bag or survival kit.

It can be stored in canning jars and needs no refrigeration, is very nutritious and extremely tasty.

The basic ingredients are lean meat, animal fat, and fruits or berries.

To learn how to make this tasty Pemmican  recipe read the instructions on the next page.

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  1. Todd Yorke said:

    The native Americans had no clue (at the time this article makes it seem) what protein, fiber, fat, carbohydrates, natural fruit sugars, vitamins, and minerals were. Hell the term vitamins wasn’t coined until 1912, molecular biology didn’t start until the 1930’s. They may have made it and ate it but it wasn’t because of its molecular structure. Do you research writer before you make stuff up!!


