Enjoy Eating Jerky? With This Recipe You Can Make Venison Jerky That’ll Stay Fresh in Your Bug Out Bag

beef jerky

Jerky Is Easy To Make And Makes A Reliable Food Item When Bugging Out. Check This Delicious Recipe On How To Make Venison Jerky.

There's nothing like gnawing on a strip of jerky when you're on the road or hiking a remote trail. It's the go-to fuel for countless outdoorsmen because it keeps for extended periods of time without refrigeration and is an easy way to make sure less desirable cuts of meat are used up.

Tracking down game is a lot of work; you want to use up every scrap you can. While modern day USDA regulations state that you should take extra precautions and cook the meat first in boiling marinade, jerky has been made without this precaution for hundreds of years with few problems. Homesteaders, preppers and those interested in the outdoors will find this information helpful in creating the nutritious snack.

Learn this excellent recipe for venison jerky today!

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  1. Mike Solicito said:

    Ok dosent tell you how to keep it fresh for long periods without getting mold

  2. Kobus Erasmus said:

    Rather make biltong like we do in South Africa. Tastier AND it will last much longer….proven every time we make it.


