How Cool is This?! By the End of This Video You’ll Know How to Cook an Egg in a Potato!

an egg in a potato

The video we highlight today is not a survival video necessarily (although it does give great advice about how to create a lot of smoke on a fire both to control bugs as well as to use as a signal).

It is, however, a great piece of advice for if you find yourself camping or in a survival situation and have a potato, egg and no pan to cook with.

It would also work with other food cooking situations where you need a pan or pot to hold the food for it to cook.

Use the potato as your pot or pan!

This also would be a great camping idea if you have tin foil to cook the potato through and the novelty of it is a great camping hack to keep the kids entertained.

To see how to cook an egg in a potato, check out the video on the next page.

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  1. Timothy T. Miller said:

    Because I always go camping/hiking with a potato and egg rat holed up my$#%&!@*.. C’mon man!

  2. John Bonot said:

    We do these in cub scouts. We call them “dinosaur eggs” and use foil so the entire potato is edible and there’s no burnt or chard parts which the kids won’t eat….lol.


