Cook Clams in the Wilderness Using These Useful Methods

cooking clams

To get access to food in a survival situation, you have to be able to use all the tools at your avail.

That means, if your situation is dire enough, actually using the landscape to create your own cooking tools, foraging wherever you can find food and being willing to eat anything you find that is safe to eat.

In this case, the individual in the video makes a boiling pot out of the bank next to a tributary, forages for clams and uses hot rocks to boil the water enough to cook the clams.

This would obviously be a pretty dire situation to be in, and there would likely be other sources (fish, shore rodents, etc.) that would be a larger source of food, but the energy level for collecting clams in a shallow tributary would also be very minimal.

To see this innovative method of cooking clams, please check out the video on the next page.

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