Author Archives: William Simpson

perfect bug out food

(Video) What is the Perfect Bug-Out Food? Listen to THIS!

(Video) What is the Perfect Bug-Out Food? Listen to THIS!

If you were facing a bug-out situation, what food would you insist on taking with you? Your answer to that question should help you decide in your real bug-out bag or kit what type of food supplies you should store. The five factors to consider are Convenience, Calories, Carbohydrates, Size and Weight. Not factoring in

grieving sad man

Loss in a Survival Scenario – How to Cope

As important as having the equipment, materials and supplies to address a survival situation is, your mental state is your most important tool or can be your most monumental hazard. Like it or not, if the situation is dire enough, at the very least you lose property and things; if it is really drastic, you

get home bag

(Video) Build a Get-Home-Bag for Under $50!

If you are a prepared survivalist, you undoubtedly have a survival cache, your supplies stockpile, and a Bug-Out-Bag. One item you may have overlooked is the short term Get-Home-Bag. A Get-Home-Bag is not nearly as robust as a Bug-Out-Bag and only covers the bare essentials to make it from where you are to your home
