How to Prepare Ourselves for an Attack That Can Strike Anywhere and Anytime

man in airport

Terrorism has unfortunately become part of our lives – no matter where you live, just about every continent has had at least some form of terrorism in the last ten years – and have been perpetrated by criminals, the insane and zealots of all walks of life.

More and more, it seems these attacks are happening in areas we never expected, like malls, theaters, sporting events, churches and of course, iconic structures.

Perhaps it was inevitable, but really, with all the soft targets we have in North America, it is kind of a wonder there were not more instances of terrorism before the last two decades.

Literally, now, anywhere can be considered a potential terrorist target.

That said, you have two choices: Stay home, which is not practical, or empower yourself to handle most types of terrorist attacks.

To see how, check out the next page.

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