Deciding Whether Precious Metals Are a Wise Investment for a Survival Situation and What We Need to Know

precious metals

If you listen to any type of radio or watch cable television, chances are very good you have heard or seen advertisements for precious metals.

Usually, the pitch is delivered by a washed up celebrity whose only claim to fame in recent years is the fact they are still alive!

Precious metals, usually Gold, but sometimes silver, they say, will hedge against economic collapse.

While we have not really had to test that theory for a long time, there is no disputing precious metals carry value long after most items of value and currency do not.

For all of human history, metals like Gold and Silver have carried value and even started wars – because they are rare and take work to extract them, they likely will always be a tradeable commodity in a survival situation.

To learn whether you should invest whatever you can afford in precious metals, check out the next page!

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