(Video) 5 Survival Hacks That Prove Duct Tape is Not Just for Home Improvement Projects Anymore

survival hacks

Just about every household has at least one roll of duct tape; most of us have several rolls and a few of us have several rolls of multiple colors.

Duct tape is one of the most utilized materials in terms of home improvement projects in existence; more than a few projects have been saved by this amazing substance.

But did you know duct tape is also an awesome survival material?

As handy as duct tape is around the house, it is also extremely helpful camping or in a survival situation.

Whether you are using it to bind things or to fashion a vessel for drinking, duct tape is so versatile that it should be one of those “always include” items in any survival kit.

To see five amazing survival hacks that use duct tape, check out the video on the next page!

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