Author Archives: William Simpson

spike hitch knot

(Video) The Marlin Spike Hitch Knot – Easy, Dependable and a Must Learn

(Video) The Marlin Spike Hitch Knot – Easy, Dependable and a Must Learn

Survival knots are like survival knives, rifles, pretty much every other piece of survival gear! Everyone has their favorite. Really the only two rules that should apply to any survival knot are: Is it simple to make and will it hold even if extreme pressure is applied to it. Those two rules can make the

purify water

(Video) Find and Purify Water in the Wild

Water is life sustaining and particularly so in a survival setting, where your exertions mixed with the stress of the situation will push you to exceed your normal demands for staying hydrated. Survival is hard work and that means you become dehydrated quicker, particularly if you are in a warm environment; but even in a


How to Keep a Homestead Rodent Free

One of the consistent realities of virtually everywhere on earth is the presence of rodents – rats, mice, groundhogs, squirrels, gophers, etc., they live just about everywhere. If you do not have every rodent on that list, you almost assuredly have three – rats, mice and squirrels – or a combination of three. This applies

canned lye

How to Make Lye From Wood Ashes

Warning: Lye is caustic and can hurt you if you are not careful. Always make sure you wear long pants, boots, a long sleeved shirt, gloves and eye protection when working with or handling Lye. Also, be prepared to dispose of whatever you wear if it becomes contaminated. Making your own Lye from wood ashes
