Author Archives: William Simpson

crumpled foil

14 Survival and Non Survival Uses for Tin Foil Every Survivalist Should Learn

14 Survival and Non Survival Uses for Tin Foil Every Survivalist Should Learn

Just about everywhere you look you will find materials that can be used for survival purposes. In a pinch, most homes are a veritable survival kit lying in wait for the resourceful survivalist. One material that has literally dozens of applications but is often not thought of as a survival material, except for a few

bug out trailer

Bug-Out Trailers: Balancing Need with Storage Availability

One of the realities of survival preparation is that as more people have gotten involved in it and ensuring you can make it through comfortably through most survival situations, there has been a dramatic increase in survival materials, supplies and equipment you “must have.” That has taken the concept of a simple bug-out bag and

bushcraft kit

3 Types of Gear for an Old School Survival Kit

The well prepared survivalist does not leave home or venture into the wild without a survival kit – just in case something goes wrong. That kit is usually populated with modern, high-tech gadgets, stuff that is the product of centuries of survival kits being thrown together by adventurers. Those early survivalists, however, did not have

laundry lint

(Video) 13 Camping Hacks That Could Save a Life

Almost everyone loves a good “hack.” I am not talking about the type that lets other people steal your identity or the type that allegedly helps or hinders politicians in major, national elections! I am talking about hacks that make life easier. Life is difficult enough without doing things one way when there is an
