5 Individual Skill Sets Every Survivalist Group Must Have to Ensure Success

group of people during end of the world

Every group of survivalists is like a miniature Unit in an Army; that is how the leaders of a survivalist group need to look at it.

That does not mean you have to start imposing military law or 4 a.m. drills or live-fire exercises, but in terms of your hierarchy and the roles each member plays, the model of an Army fits the survivalist model.

For example, a group of survivalists who are all experts in building construction, but have never gardened, tended a wound or prepared game for food is limited in their utilization as it pertains to the unit as a whole.

And no one is capable of being an expert in all things.

That is why you have to have at least a few defined roles within the unit above and beyond your “worker bees.”

To see a few of these roles that are vital to a survival group, check out the next page!

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