(Video) Plan a Survivalist Weekend Outing to Ensure Everyone Will be Prepared for a Survival Situation

planning survival scenario

Preparing for a survival incident and its aftermath can be a lonely pursuit.

The majority of the people you know are not prepared for a survival scenario past stockpiling a few days’ worth of food.

What that means for most of us, though, is that the majority of learning about survival strategy and tactics will come via the internet and input from like minded, but distant fellow survivalists.

It is always nice to have friends and family who are there with you, but most people just do not see the need, which means you and yours are left “going it alone.”

One way to address “going it alone” is to reach out to fellow survivalists and plan a weekend “bug-out drill.”

This not only gets you contact with like minded people, you also can learn a lot from their experiences.

To see what I mean, check out the video on the next page.

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