Author Archives: William Simpson

How To Stay Alive In The Wilderness: The Essentials!

While every hiker, camper or survivalist has creature comforts they try and include in their wilderness gear, there are certain essentials every person who ventures beyond the asphalt jungle must have. The list of critical gear is subjective, but there are a few basics. Without them, survival becomes at best, very uncomfortable and at worst,

The Ultimate Fishing Kit For Survival

When you venture into the wilderness, It’s always important to prepare for the worst. No one ever wants to be in a survival situation, but face the facts! Bad stuff can happen to even the most experienced survivalist as well as the most inexperienced camper or hiker. A survival situation can arise at any moment and

Emergency Washing Machine For Under $10

Many people who have survived dire situations – natural and man made disasters, economic collapse, getting lost in the wilderness – will often comment that “creature comforts,” those little things you overlook ordinarily, play a huge role in keeping your spirits up. One of those overlooked things is keeping your clothes clean. A few days

Emergency Power Options You Need To Know About If SHTF

When power goes out for a period of time, people can start to panic. It’s important to know your options during these situations so you can maintain a sense of control. With an aging and extremely vulnerable electrical infrastructure, blizzards in winter, major summer thunderstorms, tornadoes and many other potential causes of power disruption, chances

metal can

Epic Outdoor Uses for a Metal Can!

Of all the items you can modify to serve another purpose, the common metal can is one of the most versatile. Depending on size, it can be used as a stove, trap, digging tool, even as an alarm. That is right. That empty can you were just about to throw away has multiple, potential other

Why Having A Safe Room Is Critical For Survival

When most people think of “safe rooms” they envision a room in the center or a basement of a house in tornado alley. We have all seen the pictures of houses demolished by a twister, except for the rock solid, usually square room that some family in the Midwest saved themselves by taking refuge in.
