Author Archives: William Simpson

How To Handle A SHTF Scenario When You’re Abroad

As challenging as it is to be prepared for a SHTF moment here at home, imagine the difficulty if it happened when traveling abroad or even just to another location away from your normal home environment. Everything you planned for at home is now operationally useless to you, you do not know the environment as

How To Build Your Own EPIC Stove For Outdoor Use!

Once you have all the basics covered in a survival situation, it you need to create functional tools that make your life easier and allow you to perform critical tasks, such as cooking food. You can always use a traditional campfire, but building a large fire is not always practical. One relatively easy-to-make solution to

Ultimate Survival Bread With A Long Shelf Life

When faced with a survival situation, making do with whatever is at hand is a must. That includes utilizing whatever food or ingredients for food you find and knowing how to make nutritional that people will want to eat and that will have a long shelf-life. This awesome recipe for Survival Bread is one such item!


How To Sustain Meat Without A Refrigerator

One major challenge to those who have sporadic electricity supplies or who are in a survival situation, is that no power supply means you’re unable to preserve meat without refrigeration. With the reported shape of our national electrical grid, this is an issue that could confront all of us. In a sustained outage, all that meat

Top Rated Tactical Knives

It goes without question that one of the most important tools a person can have in a survival, doomsday or SHTF situation is a dependable, durable, sharp knife. With a reliable knife, surviving becomes much easier specifically because of all the critical actions you can do with a knife that are much more difficult and

Paracord Rifle Sling: A Step By Step Guide

For the survivalist that hunts with a rifle, a comfortable, durable sling is almost as critical as reliable ammunition and having your firearm sighted properly. On a long trek or while hauling game out, the last thing you want is a sling that chafes your skin or worse, snaps, giving you one more thing to

[VIDEO] Learn How To Escape From Zip Ties

We all hope never to be in a situation where someone is trying to restrain you, be it because of a kidnapping, authorities reacting to civil unrest, a robbery, etc., but it always pays to know the critical skills necessary to escape if you find yourself in such a bad situation. Zip ties are the

Five Awesome Gun Storage Options

It goes without saying that keeping your firearms safely secured but easily accessible is paramount to responsible gun ownership. This is particularly true in this day and age when any number of forces could require you to have access to your weapons and just as likely separate you from them if they are not hidden.

Simple Torch Materials You Can Use for Vital Light

One great challenge to any survival situation is maintaining a light source once the sun sets. A camp fire provides some light, but it is not mobile, so your ability to light your surroundings is limited. Fortunately, you do have options. In a survival situation, where power might not be available or you may have
