Ultimate Survival Bread With A Long Shelf Life

When faced with a survival situation, making do with whatever is at hand is a must.

That includes utilizing whatever food or ingredients for food you find and knowing how to make nutritional that people will want to eat and that will have a long shelf-life.

This awesome recipe for Survival Bread is one such item!

It is really simple to make, has ingredients you can find in just about every kitchen and it actually tastes pretty good!

Best of all, because of its ingredients, this bread will last a long time without going stale or becoming moldy. It will not last forever, but will last far longer than regular bread and it is likely you will run out of it before it goes bad.

On the next page is the list of ingredients and the steps making this wholesome and nutritious bread!


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One Comment;

  1. Josh Miller said:

    Last a long time wrapped only in tin foil. That don’t sound right.


