[VIDEO] How to Make This Awesome Atlatl Dart

The Atlatl is an ancient spear throwing device that uses leverage and stored energy to thrust spears at a greater distance and velocity than most people are capable of achieving just by throwing a spear.

As a survival tool, the darts that you use the Atlatl to throw are easily made and can be lethal to small game if you are alone or larger game if you are working in coordination with other hunters.

While you can make your own Atlatl and darts, a smart move would be to purchase an Atlatl kit and use that to make your darts.

Not only is it a fun project, it also helps you understand the dynamics of the dart and that will help you better master your throwing and aim.

On the next page is a video on how to build the 3 Rivers Archery Atlatl dart.


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