Author Archives: William Simpson

emergency checklist

Preparing is More Than Stockpiling!

The survival mentality is a lot more than just stockpiling supplies for a SHTF moment, longer term survival situation or bug-out environment – you simply will not ever have every aspect of every scenario covered – but that makes preparing for as many scenarios as possible a critical element to your survival strategy. For example,

How To Make An Outdoor Wood Fired Clay Oven

Becoming self-sufficient is a constant process of learning, experimenting and seizing on the ideas of others to help yourself on your own path to independent living. That includes using new and multiple ways of cooking that do not rely on traditional cooking methods like a stove or oven. A wood fired clay oven is one

[VIDEO] How To Build A Long Term Survival Shelter

Most survivalists understand the importance of shelter in a survival situation. Depending on the environmental elements you are facing, survival can be a question of minutes to hours, so being able to build a temporary shelter quickly is paramount to you making it through whatever you face. What, though, do you do if you are

[VIDEO] Check Out These Top 3 Survival Tools

Every survival situation poses a myriad of challenges. It does not matter if you are lost in the wilderness, enduring a power outage or in the aftermath of a man mad or natural disaster. There are basic tools, though, that you will need (more than likely) no matter what survival situation or SHTF moment you

[VIDEO] What You Must Have in Your Survival Kit!

Survival in just about any crisis or emergency situation can be summed to XX elements: Common sense, knowledge, attitude and preparation. Any wilderness survival situation or even one during or after a SHTF moment comes down to four basics: Shelter, water, fire and food. You can have all the latest gizmos in your survival kit,

[VIDEO] Methods of Locating Water You Must Learn

The Survival Rule of 3 says you can survive three minutes without air, three hours without shelter, three days without water and three weeks without food. Obviously air and shelter are the most critical, immediately, but depending on the environment you are in, neither is likely to be as critical as water. This is because

How to Catch Fish for Survival

Catching fish is one of the easiest ways to ensure you have a protein source in a survival or SHTF moment. Fish live almost everywhere – often in places like a farm pond or drainage ditch that you would never guess they could survive. Best of all, most fish, unless they are spawning (and sometimes
