Preparing is More Than Stockpiling!

emergency checklist

The survival mentality is a lot more than just stockpiling supplies for a SHTF moment, longer term survival situation or bug-out environment – you simply will not ever have every aspect of every scenario covered – but that makes preparing for as many scenarios as possible a critical element to your survival strategy.

For example, in a longer term survival situation, most people will not have prepared adequately – what would you do when they come calling or even get hostile as the gravity of their situation sinks in? How would you deal with them, even if it is someone you know?

What would you do if electronic banking processes failed, as happened in Washington, DC in the late 1990's after a major snowstorm? Do you have some cash stored away for such an emergency?

The video on the next page covers these and other scenarios you must think about as you formulate your survival strategy.

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