[VIDEO] Learn These Top 10 Bug Out Mistakes So You Can Avoid Them

The trick to having an effective bug-out is to have the tools and supplies you need when you need them.

Too often though, people pack too much stuff or stuff they really do not need, which adds weight and girth to a bug-out bag.

In extreme cases, having too much stuff can lead to pain and injury. In the worst case, you do not pack what you need and end up having to do without – which in some cases, can even be deadly.

By learning from the experiences of others, however, you can make sure you avoid some of the common mistakes people make when building their bug-out bag.

The video on  the next page covers 10 critical bug-out mistakes people make – from gear to how they look, dress and act to the importance of having an executable and sensible bug-out strategy.


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