Survival Water articles

a person boiling water

Whatever a Person Does, They Must Never Make These Deadly Water Purification Mistakes

Whatever a Person Does, They Must Never Make These Deadly Water Purification Mistakes

Many people assume that if a lake has fresh water that it’s okay to drink from it. Compared to a river that’s laced with bacteria that’s usually correct. However, nature can still treat us unkindly when we least expect it. That’s why specialists have told us to not to drink from a lake unless we purify the

purify water

(Video) Find and Purify Water in the Wild

Water is life sustaining and particularly so in a survival setting, where your exertions mixed with the stress of the situation will push you to exceed your normal demands for staying hydrated. Survival is hard work and that means you become dehydrated quicker, particularly if you are in a warm environment; but even in a
