Survival Water articles

water filter

(VIDEO) This Mini Water Filter is Astounding. Check Out How This Affordable Kit Can Easily Help You Filter Water…

(VIDEO) This Mini Water Filter is Astounding. Check Out How This Affordable Kit Can Easily Help You Filter Water…

You’re thirsty. It’s hot out, and sweat is dripping down your back. Your mouth is parched, and you’re starting to get worried. You’re far from your campsite – too far to make it back without drinking something first. You start to fantasize about a cool, babbling brook. You imagine plunging your face in and gulping

filtering water

[VIDEO] Filtering Water Made Incredibly Easy

Warning: This amazing filtration method is not a substitute for purifying your water. Any water collected via this method must be purified after it is filtered. Water is a critical element needed for every day or survival situation – we all know that – three to four days without water and your chances of survival are vastly

purifying your water

Filtering and Purifying Your Water with a Pill Bottle

Optimally, you head out into the wilderness and have an adequate water filtration and purification kit that can provide you with clean and sanitized water throughout your trip. Many times, however, depending on how much you use it, traditional kits break down, and when that happens, you must have a portable, quick and easy alternative.

[VIDEO] Methods of Locating Water You Must Learn

The Survival Rule of 3 says you can survive three minutes without air, three hours without shelter, three days without water and three weeks without food. Obviously air and shelter are the most critical, immediately, but depending on the environment you are in, neither is likely to be as critical as water. This is because

[VIDEO] Water Purification Made REALLY Easy

In a survival situation or SHTF moment, water is critically important; you have about three days that you can last without it. When you find it, however, particularly if you cannot get it from a known, safe source, you must be able to both filter it and purify it. Water that is not purified can
