[VIDEO] Water Purification Techniques You Must Know

purifying water

Purifying your water in a survival situation is paramount to your safe-keeping.

Water is a necessity to live – you can survive about three days without it.

But apart from a dire situation where consumption is more important than it being pure, drinking tainted water can cause almost as many problems for you as going without.

Most water teems with bacteria, viruses and parasites that our bodies can kill if occasionally ingested (like say when swimming), but in large quantities cannot easily.

Any of those critters milling around in water can cause you problems, including dehydrating illnesses that exacerbate your need for water.

In the worst of situations, you get sick and dehydrated, which makes you weak and dehydrated, which affects your judgment and your need for water until you literally die of thirst.

Check out the video on the next page to see several ways you can make sure you water supply is potable.

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  1. Charles Neuneker said:

    My choice is chlorine dioxide for water purification which can be made by using sodium chlorite and an acid such as citric acid.

  2. Charles Neuneker said:

    For more info about sodium chlorite do a search for MMS – Master Mineral Solution.

  3. Hunter Morgan said:

    The last time I clicked on a video like this that you posted, my computer got a virus…

  4. Bert Matos said:

    I have to disagree in some of the points, I’m a Veteran and not a young puppy, my motto is if I can eat the fish or living creatures out that water I can drink it if it is clear water. Has never failed me. Now you can do what ever you please it’s your life.

  5. Allan P Dunnam said:

    Alexapure gravity filter is what we use small and a must have. Any water source removes fluoride, heavy metals, viruses, pathanagenic parasites, radioactive isotopes. Chlorine, BPA, ammonia, pharmaceuticals, filter designed for soldiers during war time field environment. Only 177$ at http://www.infowarsstore.com 99.9999% pure water. We got 4 for our business and home. Absolutely must have to give your kids clean water…And your customers..


