Filtering and Purifying Your Water with a Pill Bottle

purifying your water

Optimally, you head out into the wilderness and have an adequate water filtration and purification kit that can provide you with clean and sanitized water throughout your trip.

Many times, however, depending on how much you use it, traditional kits break down, and when that happens, you must have a portable, quick and easy alternative. Purifying your water is essential during a survival situation.

This amazing kit uses an empty medicine bottle, cotton, two bottle caps, a larger bottle to catch the filtered water and water purification pills.

You could even use your broken or malfunctioning kit as the catch all larger receptacle in a pinch.

It is also assembled beforehand, which makes it very easy to construct. It is also compact enough to take anywhere, and you can use it over and over again.

To see how to make this amazing water filtering and purification kit, check out the next page.

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