(VIDEO) You’ve Run Out of Water Post-Collapse. Here’s What You Need to Do to Find Water ASAP.

finding water

Once you have an established shelter and a way to let people know you are there, whether it be a brightly-colored flag or an S.O.S. in the sand, your next priority is going to be water.

People can only live a few days without water, even less in an arid and hot environment, and keeping your body hydrated is going to be the best way to ensure your survival.

Dehydration weakens focus, fatigues the body, and creates aching pain in the head and muscles. If you can sure up a way to maintain your body's hydration needs, everything else will come much more easily.

If you run out of water and there are no lakes or streams or even puddles around, there are still a lot of surefire ways for you to collect ample water, provided you know where to look.

Check out the video on the next page to see a few of these methods in action.

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