How to Survive a Drought and Prepare for a Lack of Water Disaster


When people think about natural disasters; many words come to mind: hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, fires, earthquakes and the list goes on. These bring images of horror: cities destroyed, landscapes altered, families torn apart. And yet people rarely think of one of the most deadly killers – droughts.

While they may appear less exciting from an outside viewpoint, droughts manage to claim an average of almost 20,000 lives per year. And no region is safe. They can occur in any climate, even the ones that seem the least likely to be affected.

The effects of climate change can alter normal rainfall patterns in many areas – some locations will receive more rainfall while other will experience droughts more frequently.

There are many ways to protect your home against the devastating consequences of a drought. To find out how to protect yourself against a drought, visit the next page.

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