How to Survive a Drought and Prepare for a Lack of Water Disaster


With climate change, there’s no telling when the moisture levels and rainfall patterns in your location might alter. Here are three ways to prepare for a sudden scarcity of water.

Store Water
Storing water is easy and if properly done it can be stored for an almost indefinite amount of time. There are stories of older couple’s drinking water that they’ve been storing for 20+ years with no ill effects. Specialized water containers can be bought at just about any hardware store and can be stored safely in your house. If you choose to store water outside of your house, it’s recommended that you store it on the North side of your house as UV’s from the sun will deteriorate the container faster

Plant Trees and Shrubs
Aside from storing water, there are a few other things you can do to make your life easier during a drought. Plant trees and shrubs that are suited for low moisture soil. The deeper root systems of shrubs and trees will help protect the soil and keep moisture in. Trees and shrubs will also provide valuable shade to the smaller productive plants in your garden/lawn. You should also consider getting a drip irrigation system for your garden as it requires a lot less water to keep your soil/plants healthy since less water will be evaporated by the sun.

Rain Water Catchment System
Having a rain water catchment system installed on your roof is your safest bet. It’s never been easier to have it installed as 100’s of businesses across the country have sprung up supplying large water tanks and the services required to get them installed. A rain water catchment system works by collecting rain water on your roof into large water tanks that can then be used when times get tough and your taps are running dry.

Never assume that your location is exempt from the occurrence of a drought. Even environments with high  humidity can suffer when the rainfall levels drop unexpectedly. For more information on what you can to to protect yourself, visit the Urban Survival Network.


