Survival articles

vintage radios

The Amateur’s Guide to Radio Guide Communication When the World Goes Silent

The Amateur’s Guide to Radio Guide Communication When the World Goes Silent

Aeschylus, the Greek tragic dramatist, wrote that “In war, truth is the first casualty.” This is certainly true in natural and man made disasters, but the second casualty is usually communications. If you have friends or loved ones in New York City or Washington, DC after the 9/11 terrorist attacks or the same in or

Deployed troops reflect on 9/11 during memorial ceremony

5 Wise Survival Skills We Can Apply From the Military

Joining the military is one way to find out what exactly it is that you’re made of – and it goes without saying that not everyone is cut out for the military. Yet many experienced survivalists gained their skillset from their time in the armed forces. After all, what better way is there to train

off road vehicle

(VIDEO) Critical Tips to Follow for Your Bug-Out Vehicle

One of the most important elements of any bug-out plan is the type of vehicle you have to transport yourself away from danger. You can have a bug out bag and survival plan that are top-notch, but if your vehicle is unreliable, unavailable or non-existent, the entire concept of “bug-out” becomes “bug-in” and if the
