North America’s Most Venomous Spiders May Surprise You. #4 is a Lot More Common Than You May Think!

sac spider

Spiders are the #1 fear for a large population of people around the world. We are often taught from an early age that spiders found in the house are quickly snuffed out with a napkin or a paper towel, for fear of what they might do when we take our eyes off of them.

In countless horror movies (usually crapfest movies, but still) spiders are the main antagonists, killing countless people as a sneaky venom monster or as a giant tarantula the size of a car that runs around trying to wrap people up in webs so that they can munch on them later (we’re looking at you Frodo and Ron Weasley).

Jokes aside, spiders really aren’t all that dangerous, and a stunning minority of spiders (even counting the giant tarantulas) aren’t a threat to humans at all. Still, there are a handful of species which have caused our deep dark fears in the first place, and these spiders can have bites that range from a painful inconvenience to a terrifying death sentence.

In fact, take a look at some of the most deadly critters on the next page.

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  1. Tommy Judge said:

    The most highly toxic spider is a daddy long legs… their fangs are too small to puncture our skin

  2. Mike Mason said:

    Not the “daddy long legs” they’re talking about being venomous

  3. Al Burkett said:

    Josey Fields you might find this good reading material. 😉

  4. Ryan Gilliam said:

    Tommy Judge Absolutely false. There are 2 creatures often called daddy long legs. First one, the opilione, does not have venom glands or fangs, or any other adaptation for killing its food with injected chemicals of any sort.

    Second is the pholcidae, this spider has never bitten a human and caused a bad reaction and it is not due to its fangs being too weak. Brown recluse have the same kind of fang structure as the pholcidae and their bites on humans are well documented and feared accordingly.

    Myth busters did a test to try and get bit by a pholcidae and they were successful. The “victim” hardly showed signs of even minor irritation.

  5. Steve Goss said:

    Spent the other night trying to chase the AZ version of the brown recluse around my shop. Finally got the raid out. Got bit by one a few years ago and really got a bad reaction to it.

  6. Jamie Hill said:

    I know this isn’t a political page but at least it’s a “thinker page”……use your mind and set your butt free!

    Here is a poll I created. THESE numbers seem more legit to me. But there are only like 130 votes but Clinton is in 3rd place behind Johnson! That seems legit.

    I would like this to go viral so we could get an unbiased poll. Share it with liberals and conservatives alike so we get accurate numbers.

    It’s a single click. No gimmicks or click bait. Vote and share the poll link please.

  7. Ryan Gilliam said:

    There is a difference between venom and poison.
    Most spiders are venomous, many will hurt you, even if they aren’t extremely harmful in the long term.

  8. Ryan Gilliam said:

    Daddy long legs are not the most venomous. I did another response on this, to another person’s comments.
    There are 2 kinds of arachnids called daddy long legs, one has no venom gland and the other has never produced a fatal or dangerous bite ever, despite having bitten humans.
    And as noted above, the ones that can bite, have the exact same fangs as a brown recluse, whose bite can obviously penetrate skin.
    There are hordes of knowledge for you to access, yet you try to insult someone who actually has knowledge about it as a redneck.

  9. Ryan Gilliam said:

    lol Daddy long leg is not the most venomous spider in the U.S., let alone the world.
    Brazillian wandering spider will mess your day up a thousand times over, if it bites you.
    They actually have fangs which to deliver their venom. A venom so potent, it makes a black widow’s bite look mild in comparison. In comparison, it rates up there with venomous snakes.


