Survival articles

abandoned cars

A National Disaster Just Took Place. Here are 6 Things You Can Scavenge From an Abandoned Car.

A National Disaster Just Took Place. Here are 6 Things You Can Scavenge From an Abandoned Car.

In virtually every survival scenario, one constant besides chaos and the breakdown of traditional infrastructure is the presence of vehicles. Even after the waters receded in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, vehicles could be seen in abundance. While many vehicles will be rendered useless for travel reasons, they still can play a major role in

mystery man disappearing

How to Completely Disappear Without a Trace

It sounds like something out of a spy caper film such as Mission: Impossible or one of the Jason Bourne movies. But perhaps, for whatever private reason, one day you decide to disappear, never to be heard from again. It sounds difficult since everyone knows at least one person who knows of their existence. Plus, you can’t

abandoned cars

7 Things You Can Scavenge From Cars When SHTF

After just about every major natural disaster, one fairly consistent reality are vehicles that are damaged beyond mobility or abandoned because of the severity of the aftermath. But even if abandoned, vehicles can provide a wealth of survival tools, materials and supplies that you can use if you are stuck in the aftermath. The first
