12 Random, Yet Useful Hacks That’ll Make Life a Ton Easier When the Grid Goes Down!

getting gas

When SHTF, not only will you be putting those survival skills that you took years to learn into practice, but you'll remember the clever hacks that made you laugh when you watched them on YouTube. These are the hacks that were entertaining, but now they're going to be useful.

If you consider all of the hacks you know there's nothing better than recalling a random life hack that you learned from the web months before. Perhaps the hack was one that taught you how to save money at the gas pump.

Well, today we'll teach you some easy and useful hacks that you can recall when SHTF. All it takes is adding a few of these items from the hacks to your bug out bag and in some cases just remembering the hacks when they're useful.

From saving money while you're getting gas to food hacks, you're about to embark on a life hack journey. Plus, you'll also learn how to preserve and stockpile herbs that would otherwise go bad.

On the next page, learn about some hacks that'll come in handy when the grid goes down. After all, you never know when random hacks like this could actually get you out of a bind or two when SHTF!

Next Page »


  1. Dean Atnip said:

    This is your page….these hacks are crap when the shtf…im going to check your page and if it is full if this junk definitely unfollowing.

  2. Mike Chandler said:

    Worst and most useless crap I have ever seen in my life…. Want to conserve air when SHTF? Shoot the author of this tripe immediately… As he wont be breathing anymore, more oxygen for the rest of us non-retards! Yay!

  3. Dean Atnip said:

    Total bullshit….I enjoy learning…but this is for like fifth graders…which I doubt is following this page…smfh…


