The Scariest and Deadliest Mountains on the Planet Will Shock You!

Himalaya Mountains

The adventurer in you is calling; it's telling you to cross a desert, paddle a sea, trek a forest… scale a mountain. With nearly every inch of the planet mapped in this day and age (except for 95% of the ocean floor), people needing a good dose of adventure inevitably feel the draw to climb a mountain more often than not.

Not only do you get spectacular views that very few people on Earth can lay claim to seeing, but you also get the unequaled rush of having completed a climb the places you at the top of the world (so to speak).

But what mountain should you climb? And which ones should you avoid?

To answer that question, you'll have to start by questioning your own abilities. For that extra dose of adventure, and bragging rights, many climbers shoot for the most dangerous peaks on the planet, and thousands die trying.

Take a look at the top ten most dangerous peaks on the next page.

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