Author Archives: zachpletzer

tin can rocket stone

(Video) How to Make a Rocket Stove for Only $5 That’s Easy and Effective!

(Video) How to Make a Rocket Stove for Only $5 That’s Easy and Effective!

If you’ve ever gone camping in particularly wet or cold circumstances, then chances are you’ve occasionally run into the issue of finding enough firewood to accomplish the necessary tasks to get through your day, such as making coffee and frying up some eggs. Of course, to get around this common problem, most people recommend carrying

cape buffalo

12 Animals Responsible for Killing the Most Humans

There’s a lot out there to be scared of, from the rising threat of war to the ever constant dangers of environmental catastrophes and the simple day-to-day threats of hunger and thirst. While it’s true that many of humanities greatest threats are merely perceived ones (things that haven’t or won’t necessarily happen), it’s also true


A Prepper Newbie’s Guide to Surviving

While many prepper sites and forums are always hinting at the end of the world scenarios in which the world governments conspire to control all of the humanity and wipe out the dissenters, the reality is that a more likely use for your preps is going to be a natural disaster. And why not? We
