(Video) She Finds Some Stones. How She Builds a Primitive Oven? Impressive!

oven with stones

Many people don't hold out much hope for eating well when SHTF. This is true even among preppers, who likely have stored months or even years worth of food that, let's be honest, isn't rated very high on the edibility scale.

Things like rice, flour, and canned goods will be saved in spades because they have a very long shelf life. Many figure that if they want a tasty meal, they'll need to do a little hunting or fishing.

If you do decide to go hunting or fishing, what's you plan to cook your catch? If you have a shelter with a stove built into it, you're one of the lucky ones.

However, don't despair if you simply have a log shelter out in the woods.

Even if this is the case, you can benefit from a delicious smoked salmon now and again by building your own oven from stones and earth. Check out how in the video on the next page.

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