Survival Skills articles


The Biggest Dangers While Camping and What You Can Do to Prevent Them

The Biggest Dangers While Camping and What You Can Do to Prevent Them

Camping can be a beautiful escape from the mundane routine of real life. It gives you time to reconnect with nature, to practice self-sufficiency and independence. You get to feel the satisfaction of the fire you built yourself, to listen to the sound of crickets when the sun goes down, appreciate the chill of the

feather spear trap

(VIDEO) How to Make a Primitive Feather Spear Trap

If you’re stranded out in the woods or living in a post-SHTF world, eventually you’re going to get hungry. That’s just one of those unfortunate things about the human body, despite how great it would be if we could produce our own nutrition through photosynthesis. When the time comes for you to eat finally (hopefully
