(VIDEO) This Man Filmed His Experience Spending a Night in the Woods. His Bushcraft Experience is One to Take Away From!

man in the woods

While there are a lot of people, who practice bushcraft, not a lot of them take to the woods for a period utilizing only their bushcraft skills to sustain them. And even fewer people record the attempt for all to see.

Not this guy. His name is Brian, and recording his forays into bushcraft while braving the woods is how he spends his weekends.

With basic tools, minimal resources, and his impressive bushcraft skills, he camps much in the way that our ancestors did tens of thousands of years ago, using tools which haven't progressed much since the time of the fur traders.

Will he be able to make it comfortably through the night? Watch the video on the next page to find out.

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  1. Aaron Large said:

    Funny. In East Tennessee we also call that camping. God love their little armchair survivalist hearts, they do love their shiny gear.

  2. Aaron Large said:

    What most people don’t realize is actual “wilderness survival” freaking sucks. God knows I love being cold, wet and hungry.


