(VIDEO) This Man Filmed His Experience Spending a Night in the Woods. His Bushcraft Experience is One to Take Away From!

man in the woods

Bushcraft is the application of wilderness skills, largely relying on working with Mother Nature rather than trying to defeat her. Using only bushcraft as his method, this camper has decided to record his session in the wilderness for everyone to learn these lessons. Check it out below.

While he uses a modern tarp and clothing, there is little doubt that Brian could subside in the wilderness with little more than a hatchet as his tool.

He expertly captures fish, prepares it over an open fire, and even utilizes an old-fashioned (and therefore reliable) lantern as his source of reading light.

There are probably a lot of people watching this and wishing they could just run off into the woods like him. Well, get packing, there's no time like the present!


  1. Aaron Large said:

    Funny. In East Tennessee we also call that camping. God love their little armchair survivalist hearts, they do love their shiny gear.

  2. Aaron Large said:

    What most people don’t realize is actual “wilderness survival” freaking sucks. God knows I love being cold, wet and hungry.


