Author Archives: William Simpson

Most Common Bug Out Bag Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them!)

Most Common Bug Out Bag Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them!)

No matter how prepared you are for a SHTF moment or survival situation, there are some things you will overlook – that is the nature of being a human being. There are other mistakes people make with their survival preparation that are not tangible (like packing several pairs of socks.) Those mistakes are intangible, but

[VIDEO] Epic Survival Uses For Extension Cords

Using regular household items for uses other than their intended function in a survival situation is an imperative skill you must master (if you have not already). Just about everything in a SHTF moment can be re-purposed for other uses and that includes your old, worn-out extension cords. Almost everyone has old extension cords lying

Learn How To Build This Awesome Portable Yurt

In a survival setting, or just camping, a secure shelter to protect a person from the elements is critical. You must protect yourself from the elements and depending on your situation, possibly from wildlife; every year there are stories about people camping in tents who get attacked by a bear. Most of us would opt

Helpful Hacks For Camping And Outdoor Excursions

For most of us, camping trips are fun, but very closely resemble battle plans or a football game plan: On paper, it looks like glory and success are a simple process of chess, but once the action starts, the best laid plan becomes basically inoperable. Especially when you remember belatedly you forgot the bug spray,

The Ultimate Knot Every Survivalist Needs To Know

Being able to tie a reliable knot is probably the most overlooked and underrated aspect of survival skills. Knots let you fasten things, bind things, tie things down and if necessary, secure things. Whether you are facing a SHTF moment or a long term survival situation, a dependable knot is nothing short of a life saver. The

Learn How To Make This “Fire Dough” Sawdust

One of the keys to survival is being able to use whatever is had hand to its greatest and most optimal potential. Native Americans, for instance, are famous for “using every part” of game they slaughtered. Any project has excess parts or materials that go unused and too often we throw them out when in fact

4 Effective Survival Uses For Wood Ash

Wood ash is one of those bi-products of cooking or heating that tends to be ignored or overlooked. It is smelly and messy and because of that, most of us give little thought to it other than having a place to dump it. We are throwing away, however a vital substance that has multiple uses, especially

[VIDEO] How To Make A Dakota Fire Hole In Nature

The Dakota fire hole is an amazing method of cooking in a survival moment or SHTF moment. It has remarkable advantages over traditional cooking methods, is easy to make and you’ll be shocked at how effective it can be. Using two holes connected by a tunnel, the Dakota fire hole uses the principle of natural ventilation

The 3 Trees Survivalists Should Know About

Part of being a successful survivalist is having at least a basic knowledge of how to “live off the land.” That concept has a lot of romanticized aspects to it, but essentially what it means is being able to sustain yourself by your surroundings. In a long-term survival situation or SHTF moment, knowing how to

5 Useful Gunsmith Tools You Need To Know About

Regardless of where you fall on the firearm issue, it is undeniable that in a SHTF scenario or survival situation, a person with a firearm is better equipped than a person without one. This is particularly true if you are separated from your cache of food or in the midst of civil unrest. A firearm allows

[VIDEO] Learn How To Make Durable Cordage From Nettles

Stinging Nettles have been used for centuries to make cordage; their fibers are highly flexible, durable and strong. Cordage can be invaluable in a survival situation – to tie things together or to bind something. While a survivalist can use some types of vines to achieve the same result, weaving the fibers from the inside of

Learn These 3 Easy Yet POWERFUL Paracord Knots

If you have spent time around a boat, you know at least a half a dozen types of knots. Those usually are with larger ropes, but the same principles apply. Knots work because counter tension, build friction – meaning a knot stays snug because there is another layer of rope, fabric or in this case paracord
