Author Archives: William Simpson

Check Out This New Bushcraft Survival Tool

Whether you are a die-hard survivalist, a camper, hunter or avid fisherman, having several reliable and sharp knives on your person is critical to ensuring you can do what you need to do. A reliable cutting tool allows you to do everything from skinning game to cutting wood, vines, rope and many other things. Not

How To Make A Generator From A Bicycle

Chances are, if you get to the point in a survival moment where you have to use a bicycle generator for power, you (and me) are indeed a mile down a rabbit hole. The video we feature here powers four lights, but we realize that even in a survival situation, the majority of us have a lot

[VIDEO] DIY Mallet From Milk Container

Mallets are one of the most under-estimated tools in any survivalists tool or survival kit. Everyone’s first instinct is to use a hammer or Ax head to pound things but a mallets distributed force is actually more effective when you do not need to center your impact. Plus, the narrow head of a hammer or

[VIDEO] Super Simple DIY Pen Bow

Innovation in a survival situation is critical to making it out unscathed and in one piece. In fact, military and intelligence experts worldwide are trained to literally use anything to survive and you need to learn how to do the same. That means it is critical that you assess the stuff around you, evaluate your needs

[VIDEO] Make This Easy Foundry For Under $20

A foundry is a great way to melt scrap metal, use a blacksmithing forge and even as a “in a pinch” grill. With this amazing mini foundry, make from sand, plaster of Paris, a metal bucket and a plastic bucket to mold the core, you can make a mini foundry for under $20. Realistically, though,

[VIDEO] Excellent Survival Tips For When SHTF

In a SHTF moment, or any type of survival situation, using your innate common sense will go a long way to make your life easier and even in some cases be a critical element to you making it out in one piece. But understandably, some people do better than others in an emergency. For example,

4 Fishing Gear Modifications You Should Be Using

As a lifelong fisherman (well, almost lifelong; I was not technically fishing at one year old, although, I probably was thinking about it!) fishing has been the one constant, whether I lived in NJ, Washington, DC, Philadelphia or New Hampshire. I have been fortunate to have fished in 49 of our States, dozens of times.
