Easy DIY Fire Starting Kit – Great For Damp Conditions!

If you have been caught out in the wilderness during a damp, rainy or wet day, then you know how miserable it can get. Especially if you are stuck there overnight.

Shivering in a tent or under a tree all night is not anyone's idea of fun. Worse, if you are in a survival situation, a wet environment that yields fire making very difficult or almost impossible, can be deadly.

If the temperature is at or around freezing or even below freezing, a fire's warmth can be the difference between trying out and warming up and going into a hypothermia state, which is deadly.

One way to ensure that you have every available advantage to starting a fire is to make sure you fire kit is equipped with petroleum jelly coated cotton balls.

To learn how to make these on the cheap and with no mess, check out the video on the next page.


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  1. Dex Skipland said:

    Survival fire starter, small compact fits almost anywhere good for starting about 300 fires give or take

  2. Dex Skipland said:

    Wet wood doesn’t burn you have to dig deeper and use dry, after my 9 months on the AT I discovered this to be the best fire starter

  3. Brian Swisher said:

    Even better use the cotton makeup rounds. They are denser and flat. Melt some petroleum jelly in a bowl in the microwave drop some rounds in for a few seconds to absorb some take out and place on 3×3 in squares of aluminum foil. Fold up and u have a self contained fire starter pack. Pull the cotton apart to fluff and there you go


